Sword of the Flame

Maggie Furey
Random House Publishing Group

The magnificent epic that Maggie Furey began in Aurianand continued in Harp of Windssoars to new heights of enchantment as Aurian and Anvar face unforeseen peril in their quest for a lost artifact of powerAt.

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last the lovely Lady Aurian has regained her powers, and golden spring unlocks the iron bonds of a sorcerous winter. But still the corrupt Archmage Miathans curse follows her. And as she and her beloved soulmate, Anvar, quest northward toward the ravaged city of Nexis, they are pursued to the very gates of death by betrayal, madness, and forbidden spellcraft. Only by invoking the highest magic can they hope to find the Sword of Flame, last of the four great weapons fashioned eons ago. Only by awakening its might can they save a world newly threatened by a dark Mage as powerful as Miathan, and even more vicious. . . .